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Breaking Former Arsenal And Everton Striker Kevin Campbell Dies At 54


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BREAKING: Former Arsenal and Everton Striker Kevin Campbell Dies at 54

Beloved Player and Character

Kevin Campbell, known for his exceptional talent and warm personality, has passed away at the age of 54. The former striker played a key role in Arsenal's First Division title triumph in 1990-91, scoring nine goals in just 20 appearances.

Everton Icon

Campbell also spent a significant portion of his career at Everton, where he became a true icon. His time with the club was marked by his ability to combine finesse, power, and lethal finishing.

Tributes Pour In

Everton released a statement expressing their profound sadness at Campbell's passing. "Everyone at Everton is deeply saddened by the death of our former striker Kevin Campbell at the age of just 54," the statement read.
